Organization and Management Theory OMT

3rd International Workshop on Organizational Legitimacy, 15-16 May 2025, emlyon business school, Lyon, France

  • 1.  3rd International Workshop on Organizational Legitimacy, 15-16 May 2025, emlyon business school, Lyon, France

    Posted 30 days ago
    Edited by Sonia Siraz 30 days ago

    **Apologies for cross-posting**

    Hi all,

    We are thrilled to announce the 3rd International Workshop on Organizational Legitimacy, themed: "The State of the Art in Legitimacy Research: Theory and Application" at emlyon business school, Lyon, France

    Following successful editions at the University of Lausanne, Switzerland (2023) and the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, the Netherlands (2024), this workshop aims to advance legitimacy research, provide feedback on emerging projects, and foster collaboration.

    Scholars at all career stages are welcome, with early-career scholars (Ph.D. students, postdocs, and assistant professors) especially encouraged to apply.

    Topics of interest include but are not limited to:

    • Dynamics of legitimacy judgment formation and change
    • States of legitimacy on the legitimacy-illegitimacy continuum
    • Multilevel approaches to legitimacy
    • Operationalizing and measuring legitimacy
    • External and internal legitimacy struggles of organizations
    • CSR, legitimacy states, and legitimation
    • Legitimacy of entrepreneurial endeavors
    • Diversity, Equality, Inclusion and Legitimacy

    Deadline for submission of extended abstracts (1000 words): 14 February 2025

    Submit to:
    Further information:

    Workshop dates: 15–16 May 2025
    No Registration Fee; meals, including a gala dinner, will be provided.
    Capacity: Limited to 50 participants

    Financial support for this workshop is generously provided by emlyon business school, InvEntResearchCentre, and the InstituteforImpactfulInnovation&Entrepreneurship (I2E) at emlyon.

    Participating Experts:
    Alex Bitektine (Concordia University, Canada) | Julio De Castro (IE Business School, Spain) | Björn Claes (The Open University, UK) | Jean Clarke (emlyon business school, France) | Patrick Haack(University of Lausanne, Switzerland) | Laura Illia (University of Fribourg, Switzerland) | Anna Jasinenko (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) | Martin Sievert (Leiden University, Netherlands) | Sonia S. Siraz (emlyon business school, France) | Tijs van den Broek (VU Amsterdam, Netherlands) | Eero Vaara (University of Oxford, UK)

    The experts will offer presentations, lead developmental roundtables, and facilitate interactive discussions. 

    We look forward to welcoming you to Lyon in May 2025!

    The Organizers: 
    Sonia S. Siraz (emlyon business school, France)
    Björn Claes (The Open University Business School, UK)

    Sonia S. Siraz
    Assistant Professor of Entrepreneurship
    emlyon business school, Lyon, France