Organization and Management Theory OMT

Call for Paper - Creativity PDW in Berlin, May 12-13

  • 1.  Call for Paper - Creativity PDW in Berlin, May 12-13

    Posted 27 days ago
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    The 3rd Organizing Creativity Transalpine Paper Development Workshop (May 12-13, 2025 at Freie Universität Berlin) is aimed at academics who wish to develop their ongoing work, empirical or conceptual, related to creativity, broadly defined, i.e., embracing both "OT" (organization theory) and "OB" (organizational behavior) perspectives on creativity and innovation. The workshop is developmental: each paper will receive detailed and hands-on feedback from two senior scholars with a track record of multiple publications in the field of creativity and from early scholars with similar research interests.

    The workshop is of special interest to all early scholars: doctoral students who have advanced their dissertations, postdocs, assistant professors, and junior lecturers.

    The workshop has become an annual opportunity to nurture a vibrant international community of scholars interested in creativity that builds on established but loose scholarly networks-occasionally meeting at EGOS, EURAM, and AOM.
    Hence, participating in the Organizing Creativity PDW allows you to be part of this community, benefit from discussion and exchange of ideas, and envision new collaborations.

    Main Research Topics

    We welcome submissions from different theoretical perspectives and methodological approaches that aim to contribute to the study of creativity. Potential contributions include, but are not limited to, the following research topics:
    1. Creative and cultural industries
    2. Creative-led policies for local development
    3. New ways and forms of organizing for creativity and innovation
    4. Creative hubs and other collaborative workspaces for creativity
    5. Microfoundations of creativity (cognitive, social, affective)
    6. New methods for the study of creativity
    7. New theoretical approaches to creativity and innovation

    Application and Selection

    We encourage applications based on long abstracts of around 1,000 words. Please ensure that your abstract clearly outlines the research question, methodology, and expected contribution to the field of creativity. The selection will be based on the quality and relevance of the proposed research. 

    The submission deadline is January 27, 2025. Long abstracts should be submitted to Notifications of acceptance will be communicated by mid-February 2025.

    Once accepted, participants will be asked to submit a full paper by April 28, 2025. Papers will be electronically distributed to all participants at the beginning of May 2025.
    We ask participants to read papers in advance to promote constructive and developmental discussions.

    Organizing Committee
    Claudio Biscaro, Professor of Leadership and Change Management (JKU Linz)
    Fabrizio Montanari, Professor of Organizational Behavior (University of Modena e Reggio Emilia)
    Elke Schuessler, Professor of Business Administration, esp. Entrepreneurship (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
    Jörg Sydow, Professor of Management (Freie Universität Berlin)

    Additional Faculty
    Robert Bauer, JKU Linz
    Simone Ferriani, University of Bologna and City University of London
    Gernot Grabher, HafenCity University Hamburg Oliver Ibert, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus-Senftenberg and IRS Erkner
    Pier Vittorio Mannucci, Bocconi University Milan
    Silviya Svejenova, Copenhagen Business School

    Program and Fees
    The workshop starts on May 12 at 9.30 a.m. and ends on May 13 at 2 p.m. There is a small fee of 50 € for accepted participants. This includes all meals.

    Conference Venue
    The workshop is held at the Harnack-Haus at the campus of Freie Universität Berlin (Harnack House - The Conference Venue of the Max Planck Society, Ihnestr. 16-20, 14195 Berlin, Germany).

    Participants are responsible for their travel arrangements and accommodation. A room contingent is reserved at Harnack-Haus until March 10, 2025 (for two nights from May 11 to 13). You must make your booking directly with Harnack-Haus.

    Claudio Biscaro
    Professor of Leadership and Change Management
    JKU Business School, Linz, Austria
