Organization and Management Theory OMT

Friendly Reminder: EGOS Sub-theme on Tackling Grand Challenges

  • 1.  Friendly Reminder: EGOS Sub-theme on Tackling Grand Challenges

    Posted 12-17-2024 03:23

    Attention OMT Scholars ⚠️

    Only 3 weeks to go before the European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) short paper submission deadline on January 7th! Where does the year go?? Don't forget to submit your best work to Sub-theme 18: Culture as a Toolkit for Tackling Grand Challenges being convened by myself, Christi Lockwood, and Farah Kodeih. All you need for an initial submission is ~ 3,000 words! Check out the full call for papers for more details and make sure to join us July 3-5 in Athens, Greece.

    Our subtheme is highly relevant to OMT scholars interested in organizing to tackle grand challenges such as climate change or forcible displacement and we value diversity in the represented grand challenges. This is a great venue for engaging with the transformative power of culture as a tool for driving collective action with potential relevance to many popular OMT topics such as institutional change, field emergence, multi-actor organizing arrangements, and more. It also builds on recent momentum for cultural entrepreneurship, with an essential grand challenges emphasis. Our convening team looks forward to reading all of your submissions very soon!

    More information on submitting:

    Guidelines and criteria for the submission of short papers at EGOS Colloquia

    Sub-theme convenors:

    Logan Crace (

    Christi Lockwood (

    Farah Kodeih (

    Logan Crace
    University of Alberta
    Edmonton AB