Organization and Management Theory OMT

Invitation to submit to the QCA-focused EGOS 2024 Subtheme

  • 1.  Invitation to submit to the QCA-focused EGOS 2024 Subtheme

    Posted 11-03-2023 15:58

    Dear all,

    Bart Cambré, Joanna Campbell, Peer Fiss, and I would like to invite you to submit a paper proposal to the 2024 EGOS Conference, which will take place in Milan, Italy, July 4-6. Bart, Joanna, and I will convene the conference sessions, Peer will give a subtheme keynote! 

    During the sub-theme "Crossroads as Intersections? Rethinking Individuals, Organizations, and Context", we'd like to expand a conversation about the opportunities of a configurational, comparative perspective for disentangling complex social and organizational challenges. 

    In recent years, researchers have aimed to account for such complexity with a theoretical shift toward understanding phenomena in a configurational manner. At the same time, corresponding methodological developments have aimed at tackling causal complexity, most prominently the emergence of a set-analytic. These developments present more than a resurgence of configurational thinking or a new methodological approach. They suggest the emergence of a neo-configurational perspective – a perspective that aims to understand social and organizational phenomena in set-theoretic terms, allowing for an analysis of specific causal complexities and intersectionality. 

    We invite papers that outline new approaches for studying both people in organizations (person-based as opposed to variable-based approach to micro scholarship), organizations (organizations as complex adaptive systems), and the context in which they are embedded (the role of time and space, including social and technological disruptions). Such new approaches include, among others, advancements in our scholarly understanding around the concepts of cross-roads, adaptive and resilient systems, as well as new forms of structuring through a configurational and intersectional perspective.

    You can find more about the sub-theme following this link. The deadline for submission of short papers is Tuesday, January 9, 2024, 23:59:59 CET. 

    I hope you will submit your QCA-related work!

    Best wishes,

    Johannes Meuer