Dear OMT members,
The INFORMS Publications Committee oversees the routine review of INFORMS journals to support strategic planning and oversight of the journals. The Organization Science Review Committee has been asked by the INFORMS Publications Committee to evaluate the health, reputation, and future directions for Organization Science. As part of the review process, we ask for your input. Please take a few minutes and share your thoughts about INFORMS' Organization Science journal. Survey responses will enable Organization Science to improve its usefulness, readership, and reputation.
The Organization Science Review Committee will appreciate your feedback and input. Your identity will not be recorded or disclosed. Thank you in advance for taking about 10 minutes to respond to complete this survey.
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Organization Science Review Committee:
Lindy Greer (University of Michigan, Chair)
Linda Argote (Carnegie Mellon University)
Christopher Marquis (Cambridge University)
Tugce Martagan (Northeastern University, Publications Committee liaison)
Hayagreeva Rao (Stanford University)
Matthew Walls (INFORMS Director of Publications, INFORMS liaison)
Christopher Marquis
Christopher Marquis Person