Organization and Management Theory OMT

  • 1.  Organizing in Extreme Contexts Seminar Series

    Posted 12-12-2024 12:13
    Are you a scholar interested in extreme context research (ECR)? If so, we invite you to the new Organizing in Extreme Contexts virtual workshop series! Back by popular demand, in 2025 we're re-launching this series, with the first session scheduled for February 13th (3:30pm GMT).  The purpose of the series is to bring together the community of extreme context researchers on a recurrent basis throughout the year and outside of the typical conference format. Extreme context research has been an international and interdisciplinary effort among scholars interested in organizing in contexts that have potential to cause severe physical, psychological, or material harm to participants or those in close psychosocial proximity to them (Hällgren, Rouleau, & de Rond, 2018). The ongoing series will allow those of us interested in ECR to connect with each other, to stay up-to-date with the latest research through presentations and discussion, and to get ideas and feedback for empirical or theoretical studies. More details and registration will be available in early 2025. In the meantime, save the date - we hope to see you there!
    Markus Hällgren, Umeå School of Business, Sweden (
    Derin Kent, Warwick Business School, UK (

    Derin Kent, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Organization Studies
    Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

  • 2.  RE: Organizing in Extreme Contexts Seminar Series

    Posted 01-17-2025 13:05

    Update: The first session will be scheduled over Zoom on February 13th (3:30pm-5:00pm GMT). We'll have Trent Williams (BYU Marriott School of Business) and Joanne Murphy (University of Birmingham) presenting on the theme of recovery in extreme contexts, followed by discussion. Registration is free and available at (please confirm, if attending, by Thursday February 6th).

    Derin Kent, PhD
    Assistant Professor of Organization Studies
    Warwick Business School, University of Warwick