2021 OMT Doctoral Student Consortium
Academy of Management Annual Meeting
August 4th, 2021
Santi Furnari, City University of London
Michel Anteby, Boston University
Call for Nominations
Nomination Deadline: May 15, 2021
We are pleased to announce that the Organization and Management Theory (OMT) division will once again hold a virtual Doctoral Student Consortium as part of the Academy of Management (AOM) Annual Meeting. This year the consortium will be scheduled on a dedicated “consortium day” on Wednesday August 4th, 2021.
The goal of this consortium is to orient doctoral students who are broadly interested in organizations and management as they enter the final phase of their doctoral programs. It helps prepare them for the job market and plan future careers. We aim to help students make the most of their doctoral programs, advance and publish their research, find academic jobs, manage their early career and, perhaps most importantly, establish professional networks with colleagues who share their research interest.
The consortium will include a combination of the following (all on August 4th, 2021):
- Live panels/presentations (recorded for those who cannot attend live), followed by breakout room discussions;
- Live roundtable discussions around research and teaching via breakout rooms;
- Randomly assigned café or drink chat sessions.
Close to 30 faculty members have confirmed their participation in this event. Many have been editors for leading journals and won prestigious research and teaching awards. They represent a range of career levels and geographies and will provide diverse perspectives. The roster includes:
· Christine Beckman, USC
· Sekou Bermiss, UNC Chapel Hill
· Emily Block, University of Alberta
· Raina Brands, London Business School
· Daisy Chung, City University of London
· Charlotte Cloutier, HEC Montreal
· Lisa Cohen, McGill University
· Joep Cornelissen, RSM Erasmus University
· Gregoire Croidieu, EMLyon
· Rodolphe Durand, HEC Paris
· Karen Golden-Biddle, Boston University
· Patrick Haack, HEC Lausanne
· Heather Haveman, UC Berkeley
· Greta Hsu, UC Davis
· Dennis Jancsary, WU Vienna
· Heeyon Kim, Cornell University
· Rajiv Kozhikode, Simon Fraser University
· Mukta Kulkarni, IIM Bangalore
· Ko Kuwabara, INSEAD Singapore
· Massimo Maoret, IESE
· Kamal Munir, University of Cambridge
· Andrew Nelson, University of Oregon
· Amandine Ody-Brasier, Yale University
· Andrea Prado, INCAE
· Erica Salvaj, Universidad del Desarrollo
· Adina Sterling, Stanford GSB
· Danqing Wang, HKUST
· Shipeng Yan, Hong Kong City University
· Tammar Zilber, Hebrew University
The consortium is designed to allow for high levels of faculty-student interaction. In order to maintain a high faculty/student ratio, space for this consortium remains limited. Interested students must be nominated by their schools and must be OMT members (either already or by joining now).
Doctoral programs should limit their nominations to one applicant. Universities with multiple departments seeking to send students should coordinate their nominations. Preference will be given to those students who have progressed to the dissertation stage and are either on, or considering being on, the job market in the coming year.
Several waivers of the AOM conference’s registration fees and stipends are available to support students who are interested in applying but lack budget/resources from their schools or otherwise. The nomination deadline is May 15, 2021.
Nomination Instructions
Nominations should be submitted by the department representative who nominates the student via this online form.
As specified in the online form, nominations should include basic information about the nominated student (name, e-mail address and university affiliation) and also: 1) a confirmation that the student is (or will become) a member of the OMT division; 2) a confirmation that the student will complete doctoral coursework and comprehensive exams (or equivalent) by August 1, 2021.
In addition, the following three supporting documents should be uploaded via the online form:
- A brief letter from a faculty member providing a general appraisal of the nominee, including an assessment of the nominee's progress toward a dissertation defense, expected defense date, and subject of dissertation;
- The nominee’s CV (including contact information, research and teaching interests, publications, and/or working papers);
- A 3-5 page summary of a research project on which the nominee would like to receive feedback.
Additional information about the OMT Doctoral Consortium will be available on the AOM program website closer to the date of the event.
If you have questions or concerns, feel free to contact the OMT Doctoral Consortium co-organizers:
Santi Furnari, City University of London
Michel Anteby, Boston University
We look forward to seeing you virtually at AOM!
Santi Furnari & Michel Anteby