Organization and Management Theory OMT

[WARM Talk] 9/21, Sequence Analysis, Tim Liao, State University of New York at Stony Brook

  • 1.  [WARM Talk] 9/21, Sequence Analysis, Tim Liao, State University of New York at Stony Brook

    Posted 09-17-2023 13:50

    Forthcoming Talk of the Workshop on Advanced Research Methods
    Topic: Sequence Analysis: Its Past, Present, and Future
    Speaker: Tim Liao, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    Date and time: Sep 21, 8:30-9:30 pm (US ET)
    Where: Zoom meeting. Registration link (

    Workshop on Advanced Research Methods (WARM) is a free online workshop for sharing innovations and innovative uses of advanced research methodsTo receive updates on forthcoming talks, please join the mailing list at

    2023 Schedule
    1. Feb 23, Causal Network Analysis, Weihua An, Emory University
    2. Mar 23, Bayesian Analysis: An Overview, Jun Xu, Ball State University
    3. Apr 20, Structural Equation Models: Applications and Frontiers, Shawn Bauldry, Purdue University
    4. Sep 21, Sequence Analysis: Past, Present, and Future, Tim Liao, State University of New York at Stony Brook
    5. Oct 19, Machine Learning for Social Science, Ian Lundberg, Cornell University
    6. Nov 17, Text Analysis for Social Science, Ana Macanovic, Utrecht University

    Best regards,


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