The Best Symposium Award recognizes an event submitted to the annual meeting that stimulates, integrates, or extends discussions about organization and management theory.
2024 Best Symposium Award Winner
Pauline Reinecke (Hamburg University of Technology)
Sarah Stanske (Leuphana University Lüneburg)
Thomas Wrona (Hamburg University of Technology)
Predict or Create: Discussing the Different Understandings of the Future in the Context of AI
Past Winners
2023 Mabel Abraham(Columbia Business School), Sanaz Mobasseri (Boston U. Questrom School of Business), Lara Yang (Stanford Graduate School of Business) "New Approaches to Understanding Organizational Networks, Inequality, and Inclusion"
2022 Nathan Wilmers (MIT), Callen Anthony (New York U.), Jillian Chown (Northwestern U.), Theodore DeWitt (U. of Massachusetts Boston). "So Much Work to Do: New Approaches to Studying Work Tasks."
2021 Timothy Pollock, Ace Beorchia, Ashley Y. Roccapriore (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)."The Art of Storytelling in Academic Writing"
2020 M.K. Chin (Indiana University), Abhinav Gupta (University of Washington). "Politics, Political Ideology and Organizations."
2019 Ronald S. Burt (University of Chicago) and Martin J. Kilduff (University College London). "Brokers Behaving Badly."
2018 Tina Dacin (Queen's University), Tammar Zilber (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), and Michael Lounsbury (University of Alberta). Situated Institutions: The Role of Place, Space and Embeddedness in Institutional Dynamics
2017 Wanda Orlikowski (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Elizabeth Hansen (Harvard U.), Yougjin Yoo (Case Western Reserve U.), Emily Truelove (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Shane Greenstein (Harvard Business School), and Christopher Anderson (City U. of New York). "The Digital Frontier: How Digital Technologies Reconfigure Products, Organizations, and Fields
2016 Abhinav Gupta (University of Washington, Seattle). Politics, Political Ideology and Organizations
2015 Rolf L. Hoefer (INSEAD). "What Does Imprinting Mean? New Perspectives on Imprint Formation and Persistence Processes"
2014 Ferbabdi Suarez and Stine Grodal (Boston University). "Industry Evolution Revisited: The Role of Categories in Emerging Market Spaces"
2013 Suntae Kim (University of Michigan). “Organizationally Diverse Capitalism: Exploring Alternatives to 20th Century Corporations”
2012 Mark T. Kennedy (University of Southern California) and Mukti V. Khaire (Harvard University) “Toward Emergence Studies: A Sensemaking Symposium”
2011 Forrest Briscoe (Pennsylvania State University) and Adam Cobb (University of Michigan). “Shifting Power and the Changing US Employment Relationship”
2010 Constance Helfat (Dartmouth College). “Ambidexterity and Dynamic Capabilities: Unraveling the Role of Managers and the Environment”
2009 Paul Hirsch (Northwestern University). “The Mortgage Meltdown: Organizational Explanations of the US Housing Crisis”
2008 Eric Abrahamson (Columbia University), and Willow Sheremata (York University). “Advocates and Activists for Deductive Theory”
2007 Tina Dacin (Queen’s University), Jo-Ellen Pozner (Northwestern University), and Michaela DeSoucey (Northwestern University). “Code Makers and Code Breakers: Food as a Field of Cultural Contestation”
2006 Javier Gimeno and Yu Zhang (INSEAD). “Capital Market Effects on Product Market Strategies”
2005 Melissa Wooten (University of Michigan), and Marc Schneiberg (Reed College). “Incorporating and Modeling Social Movements Within Organizations Research”
2004 Gerald F. Davis and Melissa E. Wooten (University of Michigan). “The Power of Collective Action: How Social Movements Affect the Development of Organizational Fields”
2003 Emily D. Heaphy and Jane E. Dutton (University of Michigan). “From the Wings to Center-Stage: Enriching Understanding of Relationships in Organizations”
2002 Riitta Katila (University of Maryland / Stanford University), and Gautam Ahuja (University of Michigan). “Exploratory Search in Organizations”
2001 Huggy Rao (Emory University), and Heather Haveman (Columbia University). “Organizational Identity and Organizational Form”
2000 Gerald F. Davis (University of Michigan). “Financial Globalization and Social Structure: How Organizations Adapt to Socio-Political Changes”
1999 Charlene E. Zietsma and Peter J. Frost (University of British Columbia). “Ghosts of Academies Past, Present and Future: A Plurality of Perspectives on the Field of Organization Studies”
1998 Michael K. Badawy (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University). “What Matters Most in Technology and Innovation Research: Disciplinary Perspectives From Strategy, Organization Theory, and Management of Technology”
1997 Susan J. Ashford and Jane E. Dutton (University of Michigan). “Opening the Black Box: Uncovering Processes That Connect Demographic Variables to Outcomes Important for Organizational Research”
1996 Leslie A. Perlow (University of Michigan). “How Unusual Events Create Time for Collective Change” and Michal Tamuz (University of Texas, Houston). “Navigating the Hazards: A Guide to Learning form Unusual Events in High-Hazard Industries”
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