All Communities

48 total

ACEDE - Spanish Academy of Management  

This community looks for the following functions:
• Create and disseminate knowledge about business administration and other types of private and public institutions
• Provide a dynamic platform that supports the work of our members, facilitates the exchange of ideas and experiences, and offers opportunities for collaboration and mutual enrichment
• Facilitate and promote a fruitful dialogue with the business world that contributes to the exchange of ideas and improves the management of organizations
• Build a strong network among academic and executive directors to extend knowledge and good business management practices
• Help in configuring partnerships among academic and students of business management, as well as publishing job opportunities all over the world.

  last person joined 4 days ago

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Alternative Economic Futures  

This Community aims to support dialogue among scholars who share a double conviction: (a) that the socio-economic structures that dominate the world today can and should be replaced by ones that better support human flourishing, and (b) that the contours of more appropriate structures are already emerging, if we only know where to look. As the cyber-punk novelist William Gibson, put it: "The future is already here, it is just not evenly distributed."
We have different views of the root causes of the current structures' inadequacy, and different views on what kinds of alternatives are the most promising, but we share a sense of urgency. Impelled by this sense, we aim to explore alternative economic futures in all parts of the globe and at all scales: groups, enterprises, communities, societies, international

  last person joined 20 hours ago

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AOM Ethics Resources  

AOM ETHICS Resources is an community in which AOM members can discuss ethical issues that affect their research, teaching and professional lives. ETHICS communicates the Academy’s commitment to ethical conduct as a priority of the organization. The purpose of the blog is to raise awareness about everyday ethical issues and ethics in the context of the Academy and the profession. The blog also provides a location for experts to respond to members’ questions and concerns about ethics. The blog is sponsored by the AOM Ethics Education Committee.

  last person joined 2 days ago

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Career Services Roundtable  

The Career Center links members seeking career advice/resources with members who are already established in the field and/or have completed research on relevant career advice services.

  last person joined 8 days ago

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Careers (CAR)  

The Careers Division of the Academy of Management addresses people's lifelong succession of work experiences, the structure of opportunity to work, and the relationship between careers and other aspects of life.

  last person joined 3 days ago

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Communication, Digital Technology, and Organization (CTO)  

CTO focuses on the study of behavioral, economic, and social aspects of communication and information systems within and among organizations or institutions. Major topics include: interpersonal communication; verbal, nonverbal, and electronic communication; vertical, horizontal and diagonal communication; inter-group and intra-group communication; communication networks; applications of information technology in business and society; organizational adoption of communication and information technology; communication and information strategy and policy; communication and organizational culture; communication and information research methodology; managing information technology services; virtual teams, virtual work, and virtual organizations; the management of information systems professionals; e-communications; information systems development; managing IT-related organizational change; e-business, e-commerce, and e-markets; electronic value systems, value chains, and value webs; privacy and ethics; knowledge work, knowledge workers, and knowledge networks; IT infrastructure; governance of IT services; and organizational networks.

  last person joined 16 hours ago

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Conflict Management (CM)  

The Conflict Management (CM) Division within the Academy of Management is dedicated to supporting research, teaching and practice in the areas of conflict, power, and negotiation.

  last person joined yesterday

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Critical Management Studies (CMS)  

The Critical Management Studies Division is a forum within the Academy of Management for the expression of views critical of unethical management practices and the exploitative social order.

  last person joined 2 days ago

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Culture and Climate in Organizations  

Scholars and practitioners who are interested in learning about and discussing
organizational culture and climate.

  last person joined 21 days ago

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Diversity and Inclusion  

  last person joined one month ago

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Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)  

Mission: To generate and disseminate knowledge about gender and diversity within and outside of organizations, to embrace diverse perspectives in organizational research and education, and to support social justice through the inclusion of marginalized voices in members’ research and practice.

  last person joined 20 hours ago

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Emotions in Organizational Settings  

Scholars and practitioners interested in learning about and discussing the role of emotions in organizational settings.

  last person joined 2 days ago

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Employee Volunteering  

An online community created to foster communication and collaboration among AOM members sharing an interest in Employee Volunteering

  last person joined 2 months ago

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Entrepreneurship (ENT)  

We Grow Entrepreneurship Scholars: We are a network of entrepreneurship scholars that supports the professional development of our members who create and disseminate knowledge.

  last person joined 11 hours ago

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Greek Management Scholars' List  

The Greek Management Scholars' List aims at bolstering the community of Greek management scholars and organizing annual get-togethers at the AOM conference

  last person joined 20 hours ago

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Health Care Management (HCM)  

Dedicated to understanding the role of professionals and organizations in providing health care both locally and internationally.

  last person joined yesterday

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Human Resources Division (HR)  

Human Resources Division is dedicated to understanding, identifying, and improving the effectiveness of HR practices to facilitate organizational competitiveness nationally or internationally, encourage individual growth and development, and enhance individual performance, work-related attitudes, and well-being.

  last person joined 11 hours ago

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Humanistic Management  

An online community dedicated to Humanistic Management via a discussion board and file collaboration libraries

  last person joined one month ago

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Iberoamerican Academy of Management  

An online community dedicated to Iberoamerican Scholars via a Discussion board and collaboration file libraries.

  last person joined one month ago

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International Management (IM)  

The International Management Division (IM) of the Academy of Management focuses on content pertaining to the theory, research, and practice of management with a cross-border or cross-cultural dimension.

  last person joined 2 days ago

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