**** Apologies for cross-posting ****
Call for Applications to PDW #12658: Expanding Stigma Research: Exploring Stigmatized Actors and Their Stigmatizing Audiences
We are excited to announce the continuation of the Professional Development Workshop focused on stigma research at the Academy of Management Meeting sponsored by the Organization and Management Theory division. This year's PDW consists of three parts:
- An introduction that defines the topic and provides an overview of recent work.
- Thematic roundtables, each facilitated by well-known scholars, which will also focus upon "challenges" that researchers are experiencing in positioning, conceptualizing, and publishing their work. Participants need to submit a 1-2-page document with an abstract of a project and a challenge statement that outlines which issue(s) they would like to discuss at the roundtables.
- A panel of experts, David Deephouse, Michael Jensen, and Kisha Lashley, who will present their reflections on how they conceptualize audiences in organizational contexts and its implications for the emergence, management, and outcomes of stigma, and for organizational and collective targets. The organizers will facilitate a discussion on how audiences, those that perceive and stigmatize, might shape, or should shape, our research, before opening the discussion to the group.
Confirmed speakers and facilitators:
- David Deephouse, University of Alberta
- Christian Hampel, Imperial College London
- Byrant Hudson, IESEG School of Management
- Michael Jensen, University of Michigan
- Kisha Lashley, University of Virginia
- Yuri Mishina, Imperial College London
- Karen Patterson, University of New Mexico
- Alessandro Piazza, Rice University
The PDW will take place virtually on Monday, August 10, 2020 at 8:00am-9:30am Eastern Time (ET) via AOM's virtual meeting platform. Information on participating virtually can be found here: https://aom.org/events/annual-meeting/registering-and-attending/participating-virtually
Apply now
Applications to participate are now open. All participants will need to be registered for the PDW to attend it. If you're interested in participating, please submit a short (1-2 page) document with an abstract of a research project and a challenge statement that outlines which issue(s) you would like to discuss in the round table session. Your statement will be shared with the facilitator and participants at your assigned table. Please send statements to: aomstigma@gmail.com
The deadline to apply is August 02, 2020 but applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. We have a limited number of spots available, so we encourage you to apply early. A waitlist will be maintained. Any updates to this call for applications will appear here: https://bit.ly/3gC0S9V
We look forward to seeing you virtually!
Ana M. Aranda, Wesley Helms, and Kam Phung
Organizers, Professional Development Workshop
2020 Academy of Management Meeting