Dear Colleagues,
With an intention to continue providing academic insights in this pandemic period,
CBA Organizational Wisdom Studio at the CSUS has produced a third video-cast episode:
"Regulating Emotions in Isolation", hosting:
Professor Anat Rafaeli from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.Our new can be viewed from the
link provided in this message.
This episode provides
insights about emotions in virtual communication, impressions in virtual meeting, managing virtual work-life boundaries, and emotional load in virtual interactions.
We would appreciate if you can
share it with your colleagues, students, family members, and others who you think would benefit from it.
Next week we will send a fourth episode, titled
"Emotional Contagion in Isolation", hosting
Professor Sigal Barsade from the Wharton School.We will also be producing more episodes to pursue organizational wisdom in this pandemic by focusing on other relevant topics. You can
subscribe to YouTube Channel to get notifications about our upcoming episodes.
If you want to share your expertise
as a guest in one of our future episodes, please let me know.
Link to Third Episode:
Best regards,
Hakan Ozcelik
California State Univ Sacramento
Sacramento CA