Program Chair's Message

OMT Scholarly Program Highlights

Dear OMT Community,

A very sincere thank you to all of you who submitted to OMT and all those who participated in this year’s review process under unusual and often difficult conditions. The situation meant, understandably, that OMT – just like other divisions – received fewer submissions than in recent years, and a corresponding proportion of the OMT community signed up to review. However, the quality of submissions and reviews remains as high as always. The OMT community submitted an impressive fleet of scholarly work and received developmental, timely feedback from reviewers located in 44 different countries. To all of you who contributed on either – or both – of these fronts, thank you for your unwavering commitment to academia and, in particular, to the OMT community. We value it.

Scholarly Program
The program features 254 papers and 66 symposia on a wide range of topics including Institutions, Networks, Social Movements, Categories, Stigma, Learning, Identity, Paradox, Temporality, Inequality, Precarious Employment, Misconduct, Board Activism, Digitalization, Hybridity, Entrepreneurship, Unintended Consequences and, inevitably, responses to COVID-19, and many other topics.

We also have the following Showcase Symposia this year:

  • The Art of Storytelling in Academic Writing
  • Opening the Black Box of Entrepreneurial Framing
  • Synergizing Corporate Activism Research: Building a Shared Understanding of an Evolving Phenomenon
  • Academic-Practitioner Relationships: Tensions and Practices
  • Science Denial: Causes, Courses, and Remedies. A Route Map for Organizational Scholars
  • New Frontiers in Categories Research: The Role of Social Practice, Context, and Materiality
  • Re-imagining Institutions in Times of Crisis: The Role of Place, Space, and Community


  • OMT Distinguished Scholar Address on Monday August 2nd. Words of wisdom from Paul Adler.
  • OMT Business Meeting on Monday August 2nd. Come and find out what the OMT Division is up to and discover the 2021 OMT virtual artifact.
  • Meet EGOS@OMT on Friday July 30th to meet longtime and new members of OMT and connect with our friends from EGOS.
  • OMT Social Hour on Monday August 2nd and – new this year – OMT Asia-Pacific Social Hour on Saturday, July 31st. Regardless of your location, you will have an opportunity to meet virtually with members and friends of the OMT community.


Please be sure to join us, and continue to make “OMT, the Place to Be!”

Best regards,

Eva Boxenbaum

OMT Program Chair