Organization and Management Theory OMT

Silence in and around organizations -- Live Symposium, Monday, Aug 2

  • 1.  Silence in and around organizations -- Live Symposium, Monday, Aug 2

    Posted 07-28-2021 15:01

    Dear colleagues,

    Are you interested in research on silence in and around organizations? Please join our synchronous live presenter symposium at AOM Meeting:

    Silence In and Around Organizations: New Insights and Implications for Future Research
    Scheduled on Monday, Aug 2, 10:30 – 12:00 New York Time (UTC -4).

    Join us here:

    The presenters and authors involved in this symposium include:

    Amy C. Edmondson (Harvard Business School, USA) – discussant

    Nate Zettna (University of Sydney Business School, Australia), Helena Nguyen (University of Sydney Business School, Australia), Yiduo Shao (Warrington College of Business, University of Florida), Mo Wang (Warrington College of Business, University of Florida)

    Tijs Besieux (KU Leuven, Belgium)

    Dennis Jancsary (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria)

    Karen Harlos (University of Winnipeg, Canada)

    Irina Liubertė, Dovilė Petreikienė, Bernadeta Goštautaitė, Margarita Pilkienė (ISM University of Management and Economics, Lithuania).

    There is a growing research interest in the concept of silence that is broadly understood as employees' self-censorship in communication with their managers. Though the phenomenon is important for many organizations and attracts the interest of scholars, the field remains theoretically fragmented and predominantly conveys a rather narrow interest in how employees use silence in adverse organizational environments. Yet, an increasing number of research studies demonstrate that silence is not a uniform concept: it can play a variety of roles and lead to both favorable and unfavorable effects for employees and organizations. Therefore, in this symposium, we introduce a broader perspective and open up new frontiers of studying silence in organizations. A nationally diverse team of scholars will represent several theoretical approaches and discuss both positive and negative roles of silence in and around organizations. More specifically, we will 1) report novel empirical insights about the dynamic nature of silence and its relationship with leadership; 2) share conceptual developments in psychological safety and silence in teams; 3) theorize about the communicative constitution of silence; 4) propose the reconfiguration of a theory dealing with silent employee responses to adverse conditions at work; 5) and, lastly, present an analysis of the methodological challenges that hinder theoretical developments and suggest ways in which these challenges might be addressed.

    We are looking forward to virtually meeting you soon!

    On behalf of the team –

    Irina Liubertė

    Irina Liuberté
    ISM University of Management and Economics