2021 Division Chair’s Message
Welcome to the OMT Newsletter!
Our private and work lives have tremendously changed in the past year, and although vaccination is now on the way, the pandemic still has its grip on all of us. The entire OMT Division Board sincerely hopes you and your loved ones are moving safely through these unsettled times!
Academy’s leadership has already announced that the 2021 Annual Meeting will be held virtually. In addition, some changes to the overall structure of the conference have been introduced:
We welcome these early decisions that allow you to make your plans in a timely fashion and gives us the opportunity to design the best Division Program in the light of all possibilities and restrictions.
With the help of all contributors and the voluntary reviewers (many thanks to all of you!), our fabulous Chairs – Forrest Briscoe for PDWs and social events and Eva Boxenbaum for Symposia and Paper sessions – have put together an excellent program, making OMT once again The (Virtual) Place to Be!
Beyond the AoM Program, OMT has been very active to offer support in these difficult times, especially for PhD Students and junior faculty. Due to their tremendous success, we are continuing with our OMT Meetups – a series of one-to-one online conversations between senior and junior scholars (including final-year PhD Candidates and Post-docs) led by Emily Block, Shelby Gai and Richard Haans. We are so very grateful to the many senior scholars who immediately signed up – thank you so much!
We have also introduced a number of OMT Conversations organized by our Digital Strategy Officer, Mélodie Cartel, where members of the OMT Leadership Team discuss with PhD Students their needs and how OMT can best support them. We will also continue with the 3rd season of our OMT Podcast initiative led by our Communications Chair, Hovig Tchalian (and incoming Chair, Shipeng Yan) and hosted by Tanja Ohlson – watch for the next Episode!
Our Social Media Co-Chairs – Christine Moser and Kevin Lee – keep you updated on all the news on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook join us there! They’ve also just launched our new LinkedIn page – check it out! Finally, they’d love to get your thoughts about OMT in a very brief survey.
A key goal for OMT is also to develop and sustain quality connections among scholars from underrepresented areas and OMT and AOM in general. We are currently working on rescheduling a planned Latin America workshop – more information will come in due time.
Also, keep an eye out for a message from Martin Kilduff that elections for the volunteer OMT executive board are open. As one of the tasks resulting from the last 5 years’ report, we have also updated the OMT Bylaws. Together with our annual election of officers for the Executive Board, you will be asked to vote on the amendment. Please vote!
The rest of this newsletter is designed to help you plan the OMT part of your AoM Meeting:
- Program Chair Eva Boxenbaum reports on what promises to be a superb scholarly Program
- PDW Chair Forrest Briscoe gives you all of the details of an exciting PDW Program, including our Consortia and Global PDW.
- Research Committee Chair Mae McDonnell announces this year's OMT paper and symposium award winners.
- 2021 Division Chair Renate Meyer provides a preview and call for nominations for the OMT Dissertation Proposal Workshop. The Workshop – where established OMT scholars provide wisdom and expertise to help doctoral students developing their dissertation proposals – is a classic by now and will tentatively take place on Saturday, July 31st, 10.00-12.00 CET. Deadline for applying is June 1.
- At the AoM Meeting, don’t forget to join us for:
- Like in the previous years, we will also have the pleasure of co-hosting with EGOS the virtual MeetEGOS@OMT reception tentatively set for Friday, July 30th
- If you are participating in the Annual EGOS Colloquium 2021, do not miss the MeetOMT@EGOS reception on Wednesday, July 7th at 8 pm CET!
Finally, our activities would not be possible without the generous financial support of all of our sponsors. We keep a detail of all of our sponsors online and updated all the time, and I encourage you to have your organization join in supporting OMT.
On behalf of the entire Division board, thank you for continuing to make OMT The Place to Be!
Best wishes,
Renate Meyer
2021 OMT Division Chair