Organization and Management Theory OMT

AOM PDW - Entrepreneurship, Inequality, and Society: Implications for Organizations and Policy

  • 1.  AOM PDW - Entrepreneurship, Inequality, and Society: Implications for Organizations and Policy

    Posted 07-31-2023 11:08
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    Please join our PDW titled "Entrepreneurship, Inequality, and Society: Implications for Organizations and Policy." It is scheduled for August 5, Saturday, from 12:30 - 2:00 pm. This PDW is linked to a Academy of Management Perspectives special issue. The description is below and attached. Panelists include Cristina Cruz, Lisa Mali Jones, Bill Schulz, and Jeff York

    - Tim Folta and Bob Eberhart

    This PDW aims to spur research on how entrepreneurship shapes society far beyond the spawning and success of individual new ventures – it is shaping how we deal with problems such as climate change, income inequality, family dynamics, work-life balance, and policy. This topic is the focus of an upcoming special issue of Academy of Management Perspectives. Panelists will present for 30 minutes, followed by 60 minutes of roundtable discussions around aforementioned topics.


    PDW promotion - 2023.pdf   148 KB 1 version