Organization and Management Theory OMT

Seeking unpublished studies examining network centrality and knowledge transfer

  • 1.  Seeking unpublished studies examining network centrality and knowledge transfer

    Posted 09-13-2023 05:25

    Dear colleagues, 

    My coauthors and I are currently conducting a meta-analysis on the relationship between network centrality and knowledge transfer across all levels of analysis. In order to reduce the "publication bias" in our meta-analysis, we have diligently scanned major databases for relevant published studies and are now looking for any unpublished studies, manuscripts, doctoral dissertations, master's theses, 'file drawer' studies, or data from which relevant estimates could be calculated. 

    If you have unpublished research or empirical data to compute zero-order effect size between any centrality measure (degree, eigenvector, betweenness, closeness, or perceived) and knowledge transfer, even if these variables were not the main focus and only included as covariates, we would gratefully include your work in our meta-analysis. Please share with us (1) the correlation tables, (2) the preferred citation of the paper in our meta-analysis, (3) the country of the sample taken and (4) year of data collection, (5) the sample size, (6) level of analysis, and (7) scales/formulas used to measure/calculate centrality and knowledge transfer. We will continue to collect study information until October 31st, 2023, and we would be very grateful to hear from you.

    We can assure you that any information shared with us will be used for this project only, will not be circulated further, and will be appropriately acknowledged in the meta-analysis. We wholeheartedly appreciate your time and assistance in making sure our review is thorough and representative of the field.   


    Carolyn Ngowi (on behalf of A/Prof. Steven Lui, Suzanne Chan-Serafin, and Salih Zeki Ozdemir), 

    School of Management and Governance, 

    UNSW Business School, 


    Carolyn Ngowi
    Doctoral Researcher
    UNSW Sydney